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Mag. Farizat





"If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life" 


Abraham Maslow

I am a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist.  My main tool of working is theoretical models and techniques of Systemic Family Psychotherapy. A major focus of my work is a dealing with different issues of families and couples and with people from different cultural backgrounds.   


Psychotherapy can be provided in English, Russian and German.






Sigmund Freud University (Vienna, Austria)

Master of Science in Psychotherapy


ÖAS, Austrian Association of Systemic Family Therapy

and Systemic Education   (Vienna, Austria)

Systemic Family Psychotherapist 


Sigmund Freud University (Vienna, Austria)   

Bachelor of Science in Psychotherapy


American University of Central Asia (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.




Work Experience:


Competence Center for People with Eating Disorders - Sowhat (Vienna, Austria)


Sozialmedizinische Zentrum Ost – Donauspital (Vienna, Austria)



Paar-, und Familientherapie Zentrum (Vienna, Austria)



Maimonides Zentrum (Vienna, Austria)



SFU International Clinic (Vienna, Austria)



Mobile Psychotherapy, SFU Trauma Project (Vienna, Austria)



Caritas St. Gabriel (Maria Enzersdorf, Austria)



Republican Hospital of Mental Health  (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)




Scientific Publications:


Syrdybaeva, F., Ahlers C. (2015). How the Experience of Role-Playing in Systemic Therapy          Training Opens the Repertoire    of the Therapeutic Interventions and Relates Them           to the First Therapeutic Experiences. SFU Forschungsbulletin. Edition 1/2015,

          Pages 43-54.    Click here to get full text.


Syrdybaeva F. (2015). The influence of Role-Playing Experience in the Training of    

        Psychotherapists. Current Research in Psychosocial Arena: Thinking about Health,    

        Society and Culture. Wien, Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversitäts Verlag, pp. 80-86. 




ÖAS Austrian Association of Systemic Family Therapy and Systemic Education





Call me with any questions,

I will be pleased to hear from you.




© 2015 by Farizat Reisenbauer 

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