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Mag. Farizat





"If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life" 


Abraham Maslow

Individual Psychotherapy & Counseling 


Sometimes, we realize that something is wrong. Frequently, we cannot identify what exactly is wrong. However, this feeling doesn't let us live fulfilled life anymore. Moreover, it turns us down. We are stuck. At this moment, we need a help to get rid of this feeling together. 



We seek psychotherapeutic help to resolve individual and relational difficulties. The wish to change behavioral and mental pattern, to process experiences and emotions brings us to psychotherapeutic sessions. Inability to draw a picture of our current and future life makes us ask professional help. 


The aim of psychotherapy sessions:


- to overcome personal and 

   relational conflicts;

- to manage difficult situations in life;

- to develop abilities of building and      

  supporting of relationships; 

- to process traumatic experience; 

- to change negative patterns into      

  positive ones.



Self-development and growth


Individual development and growth is the key for a successful and fulfilled life. Every person is individual. Therefore our needs, perception, filtering and processing of the world and ourselves are individual. That´s why self- understanding is an important point for the resolution of many problems and difficulties. Insight of certain feelings and emotions can explain us certain behavior or reactions. That´s why, ability to see it comes with a self-development and growth.



After all, the expert of your life can be only you because nobody knows you better then you. Self-development and growth leads to better insight of yourself.




The main group of people for coaching is those who are seeking achievement of full potential in certain process. Coaching can be a vehicle for analysis, reflection and action. 


The aim of coaching:


- exploration of needs, motivations,    

  desires, skills; 

- identification of solutions and actions; 

- setting of appropriate goals and  

  methods to achieve these goals;

- encouragement to action and  

  development leading to growth

  and change.

Call me with any questions,

I will be pleased to hear from you.


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